Welcome to the website of Dr. Zhu-Barker’s research team in the Department of Soil & Environmental Sciences at UW-Madison!
Our team works on a variety of soil and biogeochemical issues in agroecosystems. Our primary focus is to understand how biogeochemical processes control the sustainability of agroecosystems in terms of carbon and nitrogen cycling, water movement, resource use efficiency, food production and quality, and the fate of pollutants. We are currently engaged in projects focused on soil health management practices in various agricultural systems, nutrient management associated with dairies and feed lots, trace gas capture and analysis (C and N species), the storage and cycling of C in soils, and the use of isotopic tracers within all these systems. The mission of our team is to contribute to the sustainability of agroecosystems by integrating biogeochemical, ecological, environmental, agronomic, economic, and social knowledge into the food, energy, and water aspects of management decisions.
We are currently looking for graduate students who are eager to engage in fundamental research in soil carbon and nitrogen cycling in dairy production systems!
If you are interested in joining the lab, e-mail Dr. Xia Zhu-Barker to start the conversation.
Graduate Programs
Dr. Zhu-Barker can serve as the major advisor for graduate students from Soil Science, Agroecology, Environmental Chemistry & Technology, and the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies.
Contact Information
Department of Soil & Environmental Sciences, UW-Madison
1525 Observatory Drive Madison, WI 53706-1299, USA
Office: 241 King Hall
Office Phone: 608-263-2795
Lab: 153 Soils Building
Email: zhubarker@wisc.edu
Twitter: @XiaZhuBarker